1. CARI Bengaluru is recognized as one of the best performing Peripheral Pharmacovigilance centre from
National Pharmacovigilance co-ordinating Centre AIIA New Delhi. Co-ordinators of the centre received
certificate of appreciation for two consecutive years (2019-20 and 2020-21).
2. Published 3 Research scientific articles in International peer reviewed journals and published 3
abstracts in souvenir of National seminars.
1. A comprehensive review on Bhallataka from classical texts of Ayurveda. Journal Of Ayurveda And
Integrated Medical Sciences, 5(1), 248 - 258.
2. Knowledge, attitude and practice of Ayurveda pharmacists toward pharmacovigilance and adverse drug
reaction reporting: A cross-sectional study
3. A study to evaluate ayurveda product labels for their compliance as per drug and cosmetic rules
rule 161(B)
Paper/poster presentations
1. Dr Shubhashree M N and Dr Raghavenda Naik, PPvC presented scientific papers at AYUSH SURAKSHA”
seminar on Phrmacovigilance at Jamnagar on 8th- 10th November 2019. Dr Shubhashree M N received best
presentation prize.
2. Dr Sunona George, Programme Assistant, PPvC presented a poster at AYUSH SURAKSHA” National
on Phrmacovigilance at Jamnagar on 8th- 10th November 2019.
✅ Shubhashree MN,Raghavendra Naik,Chandini Chandrasekharan, Sulochana Bhat. Cross sectional survey to assess the efficacy of home remedies during Covid times from a Pharmacovigilance perspective, January-March 2023 JPADR, 2023; 4(1): DOI: 10.53411/jpadr.2023.4.1.

✅ Naik Raghavendra, Shubhashree MN, Chandini Chandrasekharan, Sulochana Bhat, Acharya Rabinarayan. Ayurveda drug usage pattern among rural and urban polulations: A cross sectional survey from Bengaluru, Karnataka, IJAR 3(1):p 61-7, Jan-Jun 2022. | DOI 10.4103/ijar.ijar_10_22
✅ Naik R. Shubhashree M.N.,Chandra shekharan C,Bhat S. A Study to Evaluate Ayurveda Product Labels for their Compliance as per Drug and Cosmetic Rules 1945, Rule 161(B) AYUHOM 2020 : 7 75-9
✅ Naik R., Shubhashree M.N, Chandrashekharan C, Bhat S.Knowledge, attitude, and practice of Ayurveda pharmacists toward pharmaco vigilance and adverse drug reaction reporting : a cross-sectional study) J. Indian Sys Medicine 2021 , 9 181-6
✅ Ayurveda drug usage pattern among rural and urban population-A cross sectional survey from Bengaluru, Karnataka
✅ Inappropriate use of home remedies - A pharmacovigilance perspective
✅ A study to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice of house surgeons towards Pharmacovigilance programme for ASU drugs