ಕೇಂದ್ರೀಯ ಆಯುರ್ವೇದ ಸಂಶೋಧನಾ ಸಂಸ್ಥೆ
केन्द्रीय आयुर्वेद अनुसंधान संस्थान
Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS)
Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India

Centre of excellence for research and clinical studies in Madhumeha
(Diabetes mellitus)

Executive summary


The Central Ayurveda Research Institute, Bengaluru is one of the peripheral Institutes of Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India. The Institute established in 1971 has been engaged in Clinical Research, Drug standardization and Survey of Medicinal Plants in addition to providing healthcare facilities to the needy public. In recognition of its contribution in patient care and research, the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India has awarded “Centre of excellence (CoE) for research and clinical services in Madhumeha (Diabetes mellitus)” in the year 2021 for a period of 4 years (3 years + 1 year extension).


Development of comprehensive document on “Ayurvedic guideline for prevention and management of diabetes mellitus”

Validation of Ayurveda approaches for diabetes

Validation of Ayurveda dietetics and development of ready to cook/ready to eat food for diabetes

Prevention and management of diabetes mellitus with multi-specialty approach

Developing technical collaboration with reputed organisations

Capacity building for Ayurveda research in diabetes

To obtain certification from National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH)

To introduce e-healthcare initiatives (compliant with digital India) for prevention and management of Diabetes


Sl No. Deliverables Action Plan 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Outcome indicators
01 Preparation of “Ayurvedic guideline for prevention and management of Madhumeha (Diabetes mellitus) ” • Drafting
• Validation/ finalisation
Draft will be ready in first 6 months • Publication of validated guideline
02 Validation of Ayurveda approaches for diabetes A) Through planned clinical trials
• Literature search and selection of intervention
• Standardisation,preclinical safety toxicity, biological activity of selected formulations
• Finalisation of protocol/documentation tools
• Ethical committee approval / CTRI registration and initiation of trials
B) Documentation of outcome of interventions used in routine OPD/IPD
Will be initiated in last 6 months • Development of two formulations for diabetes
• Documentation of at least 500 patients/ high-risk population Atleast two publications
03 Validation of Ayurveda dietetics and development of ready to cook/ready to eat food for Diabetes • Literature search and selection of food recipes
• Development of SOPs for preparation
• Validation
• Publication
Will be initiated in last 6 months • Development of atleast two diet preparations for public use
04 Prevention and management of diabetes with multi-specialty approach • Community IEC about diet, and lifestyle including yoga
• Specialised training on Yoga / Ayurveda dietetics
• Screening and management of high-risk population
• Hospital based patient care
• Referral of needy patients to Allopathy- integrated approach to follow
• Documentation/ publication
Will be initiated during first 6 months • Number of beneficiaries
• Outcome of stand alone/ integrated interventions in patients/ high-risk population Upgradation of infrastructure
05 Networking – operational and technical collaboration • Networking with local governance
• With Central/ State Govt. local hospitals for referrals and integrated care
• Tie up for specialised investigations like gut microbiome analysis / genetic marker study etc.
• For drug standardisation and preclinical studies, preparation of sample medicines. For development of diet
last 6 months • Effective collaborations happened
• Successful completion of targets Management of referred cases
06 Capacity building for Ayurveda research in Diabetes Training of human resources in research with special focus on diabetes last 6 months • Number of people trained
• Number of people passing assessment parameters
07 NABH Accreditation Upgradation of standards as per NABH guidelines to deliver quality healthcare Will be initiated during first 6 months • Obtaining NABH Accreditation certification
08 To introduce e-healthcare initiatives for prevention and management of Diabetes Online appointment, telemedicine, e-records, digital IEC (literature, audio-visuals, SMS alerts etc.) • Successful initiation of e-health programmes

            Total sanctioned for three years.                 :₹ 7,24,80,400/-
            Budget released for the first year                : ₹ 2,88,00,000/-
            Budget released for second year (partial) : ₹ 20,00,000/-

Present status

Ayurvedic guideline for prevention and management of Madhumeha (diabetes mellitus) is under validation.

Exclusive OPD for screening/management of diabetes started to function on 22.07.2021 and has catered to 1838 diabetic patients and 5460 follow-up visits till February 2023. A total of 599 patients have been under Multi specialty care under CoE scheme.

Free yoga classes are conducted in online and offline mode at CARI Hospital and in outreach camps and 332 patients have been benefitted.

Risk assessment questionnaire developed, validated on 1000 subjects and a Diabetes predictive module has been developed using Machine learning and Artificial intelligence techniques in collaboration with experts from Centre for Incubation Innovation Research and Consultancy.

4 formulations shortlisted for validation of their anti-diabetic potential through literary search and expert opinion. Drug standardisation and quality control studies of the selected 4 formulations completed and pre-clinical efficacy studies are under progress.

51 Medical camps were conducted under CoE from time to time to screen patients for diabetes and diabetic-related issues, provide health-related education, doctor consultation, distribute medicines to treat diabetic and pre-diabetic problems and refer patients to the hospital for further follow-ups as needed, with the number of beneficiaries totalling to 1601.

10 Diabetes awareness talks for general public were conducted at various locations in Bengaluru with total beneficiaries being 391.

10 special training programmes were conducted for patients of Diabetes at CARI Hospital focussing on understanding Diabetes, Diet in Diabetes and Lifestyle modifications in Diabetes with total beneficiaries –193.

10 training programmes on Research methodology, Biostatistics, Chromatographic techniques and comprehensive management of Diabetes were conducted for Final year UG/First year PG students from different colleges of Karnataka with total number of trainees – 392.

Thirteen Yoga training camps were held at various places around CARI Hospital with an intention to introduce Yoga and lifestyle changes in Diabetic and pre-diabetic populations.

e-healthcare initiatives are carried out through the website www.cari.gov.in has reached out to over 26000 population.

5 Memorandums of Understanding have been signed under CoE with prestigious institutions like IISc Bengaluru for advanced research in Diabetes, Centre for Incubation Innovation Research and Consultancy for food technology, information technology & drug development, Nagpur Veterinary College for conduct of Pre-clinical safety/efficacy studies, Samatvam Science and Research for Human welfare Trust, Bengaluru for conduct of Clinical trials and CSIR-Central Food Technology Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysore for Diabetic diet research.

10 IEC materials developed with special focus on diabetes including Yoga interventions.

NABH and NABL accreditation obtained to CARI hospital and CARI Clinical laboratory respectively.

6 articles published in peer reviewed journals and 5 accepted for publication.

7 small scale clinical studies taken up after IEC clearance and CTRI registration.

Anti diabetic food preparation development underway in collaboration with reputed organisations viz. Centre for Incubation Innovation Research and Consultancy, Bengaluru and CSIR-Central Food Technology Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysore.